
This guide will give you an overview - without going into the technical details of the implementation - steps you need to go through if you want to create an Access Token for authorization against a Resource server which can also be an Application belonging to the same Provider.

The idea behind Client Credentials flow is to allow an Application to communicate with another Application (e.g. for the purpose of service to service communication) without being a User.

Step 1: Register Provider and Application accounts

The first thing you have to do is to create a Provider account and an Application account which is associated with this Provider.

You can create multiple Application accounts and assign each account to different services or products you wish to use Connect for.

Step 2: Your Application can now authenticate

Now that you have an Application, you can get an access_token for your Application.

To get it, you will have to send the following information to Connect:

  • The client_id and client_secret that you received from your Provider

  • The grant_type with value client_credentials

You will then receive a response with an access_token.

As the name implies, your client_secret should stay…​ SECRET. It must be stored securely and you should never share it with anyone.

Workflow schema

Here is a diagram describing the authentication and the flow of communication between your Application and Connect.

Sequence diagram of the Client Credentials flow
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