Developer tools

In this section you will find some links that could be useful in order to integrate Fewlines Connect to your applications.

npm package


This package provides a list of functions to handle all the user data flows related to Connect, and some useful tools regarding Provider Applications.


This package mainly provides an abstraction for the OAuth2 flow, and a secure way to verify JWT for HS256 and RS256 algorithms (signed and/or encrypted).

Demo applications

Connect Account

Connect Account is an open source app, which aims at providing all the business logic to handle Connect identities and profile data, and a default frontend for User to use it.

Connect Signup

  • Connect Signup is a sample Signup Application for Fewlines Connect. Here is a simplified view of the app:

    transaction_id,  ---->  │                 │  ---> redirect to fewlines-connect
    redirect_uri,           │  Custom Signup  │       with transaction_id and
    locale                  │                 │       security_code
                            └─────────────────┘                          ┆
                                  ⌃                                      ┆
                                  ┆                                      ┆
                                  └ callback from fewlines-connect   <---┘
                                    with transaction_id and user_id
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