Client Secrets are not meant to be exposed, this means it is not advisable to use the regular Authorization Code Flow in Native Applications
or Single Page Applications
as this flow requires the client_secret
to be used when exchanging an authorization_code
for an access_token
The Proof Key for Code Exchange by Oauth Public Clients(PKCE) is an extension to the OAuth Authorization Code Flow.
The advantage of implementing this lies in the ability to verify that a client is who they claim to be, by requiring a code_challenge
and code_verifier
thereby preventing authorization code interception attack.
Setting up
Before starting, you will need the client_id
and scope
from your Provider for your Connect Application.
Your Application will also need to handle requests on your redirect_uri
This could be a regular HTTP redirection or a custom scheme URI redirection which will be captured by a Native Application.
Step 1 - Getting the authorization_code
Building the Login Link
The first step is to redirect your User (that you want to authenticate) to your Provider’s authorize URL (e.g. https://[providerFQDN]/oauth/authorize
) with the following query parameters:
A unique code_verifier must be generated everytime the authorization url is built, and this value will be transformed to generate the code_challenge in the query parameters below
by "Base64-encoding" the SHA256 value of the code_verifier. The code_verifier SHOULD be longer than 43 characters
client_id required |
string | Your Connect Application client ID |
code_challenge required |
string | A dynamically generated |
code_challenge_method required |
string | The method used to generate the code_challenge, it will be applied during the verification of authorization code, value must be |
redirect_uri required |
string | A valid A valid |
response_type required |
string | Should be |
scope required |
string | A space-separated list of strings (e.g. openid phone email) |
state optional |
string | This parameter should be used for preventing Cross-site Request Forgery and will be passed back to you, unchanged, in your redirect URI (255 characters max). |
A common redirect_uri
would be
it can be anything you want but it must match one of the redirect_uris
in your Connect Application configuration.
Code Sample
The following code uses Node.js and express
with the pug
rendering engine to illustrate a typical web application.
To do so, this application needs to display the correct link to Connect.
The following code is not production ready |
// app.js
app.get("/", function(req, res) {
const codeVerifier = 'A_unique_random_code_verifier_with_minimum_length_of_43_should_persisted';
const codeVerifierBuffer = Buffer.from(codeVerifier);
const digest = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', codeVerifierBuffer);
const codeChallenge = btoa(digest);
res.render("index", {
login_url: `https://[providerFQDN]/oauth/authorize?client_id=${client_id}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=${scope}&code_challenge=${codeChallenge}&code_challenge_method=S256`
// templates/index.pug
a(href=login_url) Login
is just a link that you can put anywhere on your page. The Authentication process with Connect starts as the User clicks on this link (and leaves your Application).
When the User has successfully authenticated on Connect, he or she will be redirected back to your Application using the redirect_uri
with the authorization_code
as a code
parameter in the URL.
Step 2 - Getting the access_token
You need to take the authorization_code
you just received and exchange it for an access_token
To do that, you just need to do a POST
HTTP request to the token URL of your Provider (e.g. https://[providerFQDN]/oauth/token
) with the following parameters:
client_id required |
string | Your Connect Application client ID |
code_verifier required |
string | The unique random code_verifier generated in Step 1 above |
code required |
string | The code you got in the redirection query params |
grant_type required |
string | Should be |
redirect_uri required |
string | Your |
Following this request, you will get a response from Connect containing the following:
representing the Authorization for your Application to access this User’s data. The receivedaccess_token
is a JSON Web Token (JWT) and has a validity of one hour. -
that you can use to, as the name implies, refresh anaccess_token
that has expired to get a new pair ofaccess_token
The length of tokens can vary and exceed 255 characters. Keep that in mind if you want to store them in a database as a VARCHAR will not be large enough.
Both the access_token and the refresh_token are sensitive information and should NEVER be shared with your User’s browser as a mean of session identification (e.g. cookie).
Code Sample
The following code shows how your redirect_uri
route can proceed to exchange the code
with an access_token
For the sake of clarity, we’re using the following node packages:
The following code is not production ready |
// app.js
const request = require("request");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
app.get("/oauth/callback", function(req, res) {
const payload = {
client_id: client_id,
code_verifier: code_verifier,
code: req.query.code,
grant_type: "authorization_code",
redirect_uri: redirect_uri
{ form: payload },
function(err, httpResponse, body) {
const json_response = JSON.parse(body);
jwt.verify(json_response.access_token, client_secret, function(err, decoded_jwt) {
if (err !== null) {
// something went wrong
} else {
// Yay! 🤗 Your User has successfully authenticated
// `decoded_jwt` contains the information about the token
Once again: keep in mind that you should NOT share the access_token and refresh_token with the User’s browser (or any other unsecure device like a mobile) or any application that you do not trust.